Hidden Worlds Refined Core

Created by Bryan Donihue

The updated, expanded, and refined core manual for Hidden Worlds. This is the core for all the future releases, with the same amazing urban fantasy World of Incursion setting.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Check-in and Update!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 09:14:17 PM

VERY Rough Cover Sketch

Most recent cover layout sketch from artist Scott Rosema! I'm so excited to see this amazing cover come to life. Here's your quick peek!

Progress! (But Not as Much as I Want)

So - I'm over half-way done with the rough draft, but the updates to character creation, the main playing the game chapter, and the faith chapter have been kicking my butt. On the plus side, the improvements are going to be amazing. On the downside, I'm about a week behind where I wanted to be. 

What does that mean for timelines? 

I'm hoping to have the rough fully completed by mid next week. Once it's to the point where I have everything done except for the GM Section, I will convert it to PDF and send it to those who backed at the levels that qualified for the Beta Access. 

To get that done, I'll be importing and converting everything for Backerkit as well. We will be sending out the Beta Access in Backerkit. Once we get the backerkit stuff up, I'll let you know so that we can work out shippping, and you can buy any extra stuff you want. I hope to get the Backerkit access to all the backers (and anyone who wants to pre-order), by end of next week, which gets us closer to back on track. 

Thanks for supporting me and my team!

Happy Hunting!


Thank You! We Did It!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 31, 2022 at 08:59:07 PM

Seriously, I'm overwhelmed by the support for this project! I'm still recovering from the final push, and tomorrow the next phase of work starts. Well, continues, anyway. 

I'll keep you folks updated as best as possible. Until then...

Thank you, and Happy Hunting!


Almost the end(ish) of this journey!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 10:10:25 PM

Just a couple days left! As we approach the end, I wanted to chat a bit about what's coming and when:

  • Once the project is done, Kickstarter will do their thing and charge payment forms, etc. At the same time, I will be importing all the information into Backerkit for the next stage of the project.
  • Once Kickstarter has charged all the cards, and as soon as I have the rough draft done for the Refined Core manual, I will send the PDF version to anyone who backs at the Signature Hardcover level (or higher) that is getting Beta Access. The PDF will not have artwork, and will be rough, but you will have an actual playable version of the game.
  • Once the project is in Backerkit, we'll leave it open for almost a month. This will allow you to add-on anything you wanted to add (like the Chaotic Envelope), as well as pay for shipping, or plan for local pickup. 

So where am I at with the project? 

  • I've spent this entire week frantically banging on the keyboard working on finishing the rough draft. We have the vast majority of the systems done and worked out, but they are in my own tortured notes. So I'm busy translating my shorthand and turning it into something playable. My goal is to have the rough done by mid-to-late next week. 
  • Once I'm done with the rough draft, I'm switching to frantically working on the rough for The Other Handbook. At that point, I'll be bouncing between that and editing the Refined Core manual. 
  • Our (very achievable) target for release is Grand Rapids Comic Con (Grand Rapids, Michigan) in November. It will be hectic, but it should be doable. 

Let me know if you have questions...

Happy Hunting!


Crap! I Almost forgot! Share the heck out of this project - let's see if we can get to $7,500!

In the Home Stretch!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 09:59:24 PM

5 Days Left

Less than a week left, and we are well over $5k. It's time for one last push to get to the next stretch goal ($7,500)! I've been working with Scott Rosema to develop the cover, and I'm so excited. 

Name Announcement!

The first version of the game was called Hidden Worlds: Incursion, linking both the game (Hidden Worlds), and the setting (Incursion). As we have been developing this Refined version, we've also been planning for the future. In this planning, we've decided to rename this project to truly reflect what the game book is. 

Before I go forward, I want to to tell you, Don't Panic - the scope hasn't changed at all. Everything we said about the game book is absolutely still there. It is still a complete game, and it is still launching with the original Incursion modern day urban fantasy setting.

What we are changing is the branding and titling. We have decided that since this book is going to be the core rulebook for the ongoing releases, we'd acknowledge what the book represents. moving forward, the game will be simply called, Hidden Worlds. Here is the new title/logo:

Hidden Worlds Refined Core Logo

We think this is going to look really great on the cover. Since we are re-working the titling, we needed a way to distinguish which products will be compatible with the new core system. The original game system was called the ODG system. With all the refinements, we are moving forward with a new system designation: HW20. If we have a new system designation, we needed a new logo, right? Yup, we have that one set up, too:

Why is this important?

In our planning for the new system/logo, we have been talking about what's coming up. Once we launch this project, we'll be working on some cool new settings, more modules, and even some fun extras over the next couple years. So what's coming up?


  • Science Fiction
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Victorian / Edwardian
  • A cool [TOP SECRET] project

With us moving this direction, we can move into and release future settings much faster, which I'm sure you folks will appreciate :) 

Thank you, again, for backing this project. Now I have to get back to writing.

$5K! Woohoo! Scott Rosema Cover Unlocked!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 24, 2022 at 05:00:18 PM

Cover by Scott Rosema!

Yesterday was amazing! Not only did I have the privilege to be a guest at Kogan Con in Grand Haven, Michigan (thanks, Rosie!), but while we were setting up, we pushed thru the $5,000 stretch goal. This means that we have officially commissioned Comic Artist extraordinaire, Scott Rosema, to create an amazing cover for the book. He's basically creating two new art pieces for the front and back cover, which he will also have available for artistic prints as well at conventions. 

Next up? 

Next on the list @ $7,500 is to have artist Rob O'Neil create the cover for The Other Handbook, featuring your favorite group of misfit others, The Restore Corps, from my YouTube channel. If you haven't spread the word yet, please help us reach that next goal. 

As always, Thank You and Happy Hunting!
